Tuesday, January 05, 2010

3E Presents: A Top 21 Things on the Internet: #6 House of Cosbys

House of Cosbys had a relatively large percentage of stinkers, you see, being only four episodes long (struck down in its prime by legal threats). But it's still probably the finest early example of dot-comedy, which is the direction that future television will take (see also Queer Duck, which made the move to Showtime). Without mid-level managers at some broadcasting company getting in the way, online television has two possibilities when it comes to comedy (dramas are going in a different direction): one, independently produced series online are better than what's on "regular" television; two, it forces regular television to be funnier. Both of these have happened.

But enough of that, Theo. House of Cosbys is about a guy who clones Bill Cosby, and each clone has a weird specialty. April Fool's Cosby: the power to play excellent April Fools jokes, Dwayne Wayne. Every tenth clone has superpowers, like Data Analysis Cosby. How can that not work for you?

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