Tuesday, December 03, 2019

breakin the tie / breakin the tie (like breakin the law)

As my infant son would say: "wow"

Shaun Shivers: 5-4 (50-44-3)
The Alabama Guy's Helmet: 6-3 (50-44-3)

As I posited, if we disagree on the pick ATS, then that's it. That's the whole enchilada.

Georgia vs LSU -7.5

However, in the event of disagreement, the 2019 SEC Pick Off shall be won by he whom picks the most of the following in a manner of correctness:
  1. First team to punt from the opponent's territory
  2. First team to call a fair catch on a punt or kickoff
  3. First team to concede a first down by penalty
  4. First team to have a non-zero, even number of points at the time of a kickoff or free kick (so having 6 points after a td but before a made xp would not count)
  5. Number of combined punts in the first quarter
  6. Number of combined turnovers in the first half
  7. Combined points scored on kicks (fgs, xps) in the first 20 minutes of game time
The Ultra-Tiebreaker will be as follows:
  • Predicted score at halftime. Winner will be the lowest average of the following:
    • Difference between LSU predicted points and LSU actual points
    • Difference between UGA predicted points and UGA actual points
    • Difference between predicted margin and actual margin
For example, if I predict that the score will be LSU 69 UGA 69 at halftime and the actual score is LSU 21 UGA 14:
    • Difference between LSU predicted points and LSU actual points: 69-21=48
    • Difference between UGA predicted points and UGA actual points: 69-14=55
    • Difference between predicted margin and actual margin: 7-0=7
    • Average: 48+55+7=36.67
I hope this is stupid enough for everyone.

$$$ The Nice Bookie Has Crowned His Prince $$$

The Wise Pauper: $1,698.00
The Moneyed Fool: $1,768.53

We should really gamble, obviously.

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