Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesdays with Ted

This Dream Journal belongs to: Ted
Month of: January

January 2: dreamed about vultures again [note: we had pizza that night]
January 4: eating breakfast with Stephanie
January 9: working, but everyone wore Hawaiian shirts [note: it was casual Friday that day]. This was one of those dreams where I knew I was dreaming, so I left work so I could eat lunch at home and didn't come back!
January 11: eating dinner with Stephanie except it is breakfast for dinner [note: had waffles for dinner night before, which is probably why]
January 12: Stephanie and I were trapped at the elementary school, and all the doors and windows were bricked up like in the Matrix [note: we watched the Matrix that night, so that's probably why]
January 14: went shopping with William and Stephanie, to buy shirts, but everywhere we went was out of shirts
January 15: vultures [no pizza -- first time!]
January 16: William got lost at the library and we never found him [note: we went to the library to get some books on CD]
January 18: made Stephanie dinner, but burnt it [just like real life! lol]
January 19: tried to program automatic lock for the front door, but it messed up and locked us out of the house [note: I locked myself out of the house the weekend before, so that's probably why]
January 23: playing Call of Duty, but Stephanie wanted to play and she was really good and beat me every game
January 25: at work, but instead of regular chair had one of those balance balls you sit on [note: chair at work is broken]
January 27: Forgot to mail electric bill and had to go up to office to pay it [note: I forgot to mail the electric bill and had to go up to the office to pay it, which is probably what this dream was about]
January 28: Stephanie made spaghetti for dinner but for some reason I refused to eat it, and never figured out why
January 31: eating breakfast with Stephanie