Nickname: B-Dubs. Not really, only I call them that. The Trotters.
Stately, Non-Commercial Stadium Name: Again...NON-COMMERCIAL FAIL. Reebok Stadium.
Crest: Streamers!
Season So Far: A lot better than last season. It took a fairly frantastic April and May to avoid the drop last go round but this year they've dabbled with the middle of the pack consistently. Although with the abundant parity, middle of the pack is still in the relegation fight.
General vibe to a casual American fan: Not much. It's hard not to think of Michael Bolton. Not a lot of character, not helped by their overbearing Reebok sponsorship, giving them a soulless, whorish feel. Tha Captain usually roots for their relegation.
I see Business Week is sponsoring this year's high school cheerleading championships.