Wednesday, April 29, 2009



I know that by no means have I ever appeared to be the best of students, but I wanted to apologize greatly, you have helped me out a lot by allowing me to make up the exams. I am sure by the time you read this you will have already looked at my test and noted the abysmal grade it will receive. I know that this may seem odd to ask but I really need a decent grade in you class (though i know i have shown no evidence of the sort). I was wondering if I would appeal to you, to allow me to take my final grade on monday and use it to replace this test grade... I will be making an A on the final. (I can't afford not to)



  1. If it's not too late, make said student take all the exams for the year in the same time period as the final should take, and let that average be the final grade.

  2. The only response I can come up with is "LOL" so I haven't responded at all.
