Wednesday, March 18, 2009

College football

So, this video is fairly old, but there's not a lot going on right now in the college football world.

This sums up so many problems with today's college football and sports coverage (ESPN in particular): irritating, obnoxious personalities ill-fitted together; bias and favoritism; space-filling, time-killing nonfeatures in place of actual analysis or sports; fan-based, populist, masturbatory nonfeatures in place of actual analysis or sports; childish petulance when said nonfeatures don't go the way the hosts want. It's too bad he's such a dick here, because Kirk tends to be one of my favorite analysts during actual games.

Also too, to the question at hand: 1945 Army.


  1. 95 Nebraska isn't a bad pick.

    I think you mean the 39 Army team. The German Army team.

  2. My thinking is, you judge teams by their relative quality. How much better than everyone else was a particular team? Since almost every able-bodied college-aged man was in the army, they had a certain advantage no one else can even touch.
